Online Giving
Make a one-time donation or automate a recurring amount. Your information is held securely by an SSL encrypted connection.
This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions.
Mexico Caravan Ministries appreciates financial donations for building materials, tools, vehicle maintenance, dormitory maintenance and general ministry needs. All intern and permanent staff are supported by the gifts and donations of others.
Currently we accept donations two ways: personal checks & online - you can give online by selecting the “DONATE NOW" button above. There is an option to give one time or set up a recurring gift.
Personal Checks
Please make financial donations payable to "Mexico Caravan Ministries" and mail to Mexico Caravan Ministries at 555 Saturn Blvd., Ste. B-510, San Diego, CA 92154.
If you are supporting one of our staff, please write the staff member's name in the memo line so that it is allocated correctly.
Our Construction Needs
New or used work trucks
Vacuums and Shop-Vacs
Large shop brooms
Blankets for families we build for
Rollers and roller covers
4-ton floor jack for vehicle maintenance
Thank you for your interest in supporting Mexico Caravan Ministries!
All financial and vehicle donations are tax-deductible.
If you have any questions regarding a specific donation, please contact us.
Your gifts allow God's work to be done in meeting the needs of the less fortunate through housebuilding and mobilizing the next generation of missionaries.