Mission Agencies
Arab World Ministries
Purpose: "To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to Muslims of the Arab World"
Purpose: "...to assist the ministry of the local church through mobilizing, equipping, and coordinating of missionaries to evangelize unreached people groups, translate the Scriptures, and see indigenous New Testament churches established..."
Purpose: "...planting reproducing churches among unreached Muslim peoples."
OMF International
Purpose: "...to see an indigenous biblical church movement in each people group of East Asia, evangelizing their own people and reaching out in mission to other peoples."
Operation Mobilization
Purpose: "...to motivate, develop and equip people for world evangelization, and to strengthen and help plant churches, especially among the unreached in the Middle East, South and Central Asia and Europe.
Purpose: "...mobilizes teams to glorify God among unreached peoples by initiating church planting movements in partnership with local churches."
SEND International
Purpose: "...to make disciples through evangelism, nurturing new believers and developing leaders while planting the church where it does not exist and serving it where it does."
“Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t.”